
Monday, June 30, 2008


One little prayer is, just like its name, about one little prayer. One little prayer, by each reader of this blog, that will make all the difference.
Here's how it will work. I will post one little prayer once in a while. This will be a prayer I am sending into the universe each moment I pray. My readers will pledge their prayer-support by adding comments. Prayer-support means they too will include my 'one little prayer' in their daily prayer.

I believe in God.
I believe in collective prayer.
I believe in faith.
I believe that if everyone prays for one common good together, it just might be granted by God.
I believe that this blog will help many people.

This is about religion..this is about faith. Only, it is not about any one religion, or any one faith. Rather, it is about collective conversation. It is about each individual's relation with his sacred space. Go on, test you sacred space. Bring on your prayers too. I will add them if I feel for them as you do.
And, I will let you know when they start working!
Happy praying, and keep the faith.